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Eliot Unitarian Chapel

100 S Taylor Ave
Kirkwood, Missouri 63122-4311

Office: (314) 821-0911


Minister of Congregational Life: The Rev. Krista Marie Taves
Minister Emeritus: The Rev. John H. Robinson, Jr.
Rel. Ed. - pd/professional: Scott Stewart
President/Chair: Sara Fleming
Vice President/Chair: Carole Glauser
Treasurer: Susan Bell
Secretary: Kalen Ponche-Ciszewski
Director of Music: Nadia Madex
Church Administrator: Brian Franklin

Statistical Information

Certified Members as of 01/31/2024: 398
Church School Enrollment: 86
Pledging Units: 249
Total Operating Expenses: $698,307

Other Details

MidAmerica Region
Organized: 1959
Church ID No. 5635

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