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Religious and Professional Leaders

Displaying people 2011 - 2020 of 2061

Wills, Valerie T.

Retired from professional ministry

Wilson, Douglas

Minister Emeritus (Current Position)
The Rowe Center, Rowe, MA

Wilson, Kim D.

Part-Time Contract Minister (Current Position)
UU Fellowship of Newark Inc, Newark, DE

Wilson, Samantha Lynne

Restorative Practices Consultant (Current Position)
The Ahimsa Collective, Berkeley, CA

Wilson, Steven M.

Minister (Current Position)
Congregational Unitarian Society of Bernardston, Bernardston, MA

Wiltshire, Sian

Minister (Current Position)
Orange Coast UU Church, Costa Mesa, CA

Winthrop, Katharine Hope

Retired from professional ministry

Wiviott, Eileen Riley

Senior Minister (Current Position)
Unitarian Church of Evanston, Evanston, IL

Wohler, Alison A.

Treasurer (Current Position)
UU Fellowship of Chautauqua, Chautauqua, NY

Wolf, Virginia

Minister Emerita (Current Position)
UU Congregation, Eau Claire, WI

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